Skews from custom sequences

To compute skews, the input sequence is scanned with a sliding window, and the requested parameter is calculate for each window. The data is shown in a graph.

G+C %
The porcentaje of G+C is computed

For each window, (G-C)/(G+C) is computed, where G and C are the number of ocurrences for each nucleotide

For each window, (A-T)/(A+T) is computed, where A and T are the number of ocurrences for each nucleotide.

For each window, (G+C-A-T)/(G+C+A+T) is computed, where A, C, G and T are the number of ocurrences for each nucleotide.

For each window, frecuencies for all nucleotides with selected length is computed. Those frecuencies are compared to frecuencies obtained from the complete sequence. When comparing both frecuencies, Pearson's distance is computed.