Sequence retrieval

  Genome: Brachyspira pilosicoli B2904
  Start position: 1541598
  End position: 1543277
  Length: 1680

DNA sequence

  Protein sequence (NCBI) or Translate to protein
  Restriction digest
  Design primers with primer3

Gene(s) or part of gene(s) amplified:
ORF.. 1541598-1543277SequenceB2904_orf1491 - aerotolerance-like exported protein
(Protein is coded in complementary strand; from 1543277 to 1541598)
ORF... 1543261-1544136SequenceB2904_orf1492 batC aerotolerance-like membrane protein
(Protein is coded in complementary strand; from 1544136 to 1543261)